It's been too long since I last posted here, kinda lost my inspiration for it for a while (I have my reasons but I wont be going into it........far too long winded and uninteresting).
Anyways, its about time I got back into the swing of things ;)
Utopia arrived at long last, and both kids have now been back into full-time school since 3rd Sept. Those August school holidays seem to get longer every year, and just to make things more interesting, our British Summer failed to arrive, April Showers stretched out for 4 whole months, and some of the downpours were immense, I mean so much so that if you went outside and looked up you would have drowned. Needless to say we were stuck indoors A LOT.
Cameron has now moved up to Junior School, it seems so strange seeing Him wear a uniform and tie, it doesn't seem two minutes since I was wearing one....... god........ 12 years ago.
On a positive note, my Dog has stopped trying to recycle herself, She is still eating like She hasn't been fed for a month, but hey, I can live with that.
By the way, thanks to those who bought me a Birthday pressie from my list......... all zero percent of you! ;-P
Good to see you back blogging again :o)
I got you a birthday pressie from your list, but you have to come here and get it in person ;o)
OMG, its your Car isn't it??!, I knew you would pull through for me!. I'm on me way!
haha bless you really are deluded arnt you ? :oP
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