Thursday, 24 July 2008

Land Of Re-discovery

6 weeks ago yesterday I split from my long term partner after 8 and a half years, I wont bore anyone with details. Since then its been a rollercoaster of emotions, ranging from hurt, anger, disappointment, then more anger. I would like to say that I had a lot of happy memories, but to be honest, the only good things to come out of the relationship is my Kids. So its off to the land of re-discovery for me now, I've booked me a one way ticket there and dont intend on coming back until I know what I want from my life. I'm losing weight (which can only be a good thing) and steadily blue tacking my life back together :-).

I've never been good at showing my true feelings when it comes to being hurt, it often happens in very short bursts when no-one is around to see it, and then on ultra rare occasions the flood barriers burst and everything goes tits up.
But, I have to say, that in the past week I have come to the startling realisation that I still have a life to lead, and now feel ready to face it all again. My energy levels are back, even better than before, so much so that I have made a start on decorating the house.

So, after a 5 week dust off and feeling sorry for myself, I am finally on the up. I know that the only bad things that can happen to me now are the things that I bring on myself, I have piece of mind, which has been a RARE experience for me, and with a bit of luck it will remain that way.

The only worry I have now is reminding myself to smile :-)


Posh Totty said...

Well you have the right attitude now which is a good start, keep thinking positive and anything is possible :o) Xxx

Lynzi_Loo said...

I'm trying my best, thanks Mand :-)