Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Didn't Get Drunk!!

Yep, its true, I didn't get drunk in Dublin (shock, horror) and I will have to blame the Sushi, it must have made me "alcohol proof" cos as hard as I tried, I couldn't get drunk!. Despite that, I had a great time, the flight over there was sooooooo cool, I havn't been on a plane since I was 5 years old so it was like a new experience for me, so, in true geeky style, I had to take some pics out of the likkle window :-P

We tried to eat the Sushi with Chopsticks, I say tried because thats all it was....... a try lol, it wasn't so bad eating the actual Sushi with the Chopsticks cos they were fairly large items, but silly me ordered noodles with my main course...... not one of my better idea's!.

I forgot to pack my shoe's and didn't realise this until we were 10mins away from the Airport, and by that time 10mins late for check in, so no hope of turning back for my shoe's. There was no way I was going to contemplate wearing my trainers with my black trousers (pink Nike Air Rifts DO NOT complement black trousers in the slightest). But Debbie (in Her infinate wisdom) said "you can borrow my boots, they are size 8 and only have small heels, you will be fine", the words "you will be fine" in reality meant "you will be a cripple by 9pm, and shuffling around in black socks by the time you reach the Hotel". My God, I dont think my feet have EVER hurt that much in my life!!, by 8pm I was wishing I had worn my Rifts, in fact, I think I would have paid good money for the swap!.
Anyways, the first Bar we went in looked quite nice, friendly atmosphere and not too busy, so me and Debbie plonked ourselves on the stools at the Bar, we were only there 5mins before a VERY drunk Irish guy, about 50 years old kinda sandwiched himself between us, we didn't have a clue what He was rambling on about, its hard enough trying to fathom the Irish accent without having to diciphor a drunkness Irish accent, but amusingly enough (but not for Debbie) this guy was getting closer and closer to Debbie's boobs as He was talking LOLOL, He ended up literally 3" away from them, I expected to find Him nestled in there whilst sucking His thumb pmsl, but He kind of pulled himself up sharply and clearly asked us "Which part of Poland are you girls from?"......... Well, that just did it for me!, it was worth going all the way to Ireland just to witness a comment like that!.

After a fair few drinks later (6 Euro's a drink I might add!) we decided to grab a couple of bottles of wine and take them back to the Hotel, where we promptly drank and then settled down to sleep by 1am.

The taxi ride to the Airport was brilliant, that Taxi driver was quite a card :-D, it would be almost pointless to repeat the stuff He was saying because, on paper it seems quite normal and random ramblings, but chuck in an Irish accent and a fair bit of the F word....... it made us giggle like Hell lol.

All in all, it was a great experience (minus the EVIL shoe's) and I would be more than happy to go again :-D


Dan said...

I don't believe you didn't A) Get Drunk, or B) Have a Hangover... But hey, it's your blog, you can twist the truth as much as you can - Remember, I saw you after three shandies...

Sounds like you had a great time - welcome back to the land of coal, pollution and such like.

Lynzi_Loo said...

My homecoming has consisted of Katie with a sore throat and high temp, and Cameron with sickness and high temp....... oh the joys of parenting!

Posh Totty said...

Pleased you had a great time, but so cant believe you went to Dublin and didnt get pissed, I think you are the only person I know thats come back from Dublin with out a hangover hehe!!

Lynzi_Loo said...

Well, I always aim to be different, or unlucky, depends on which way you look at it lol